Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Long Time No Post!

Hi everyone, Mum here! Sorry it's been a while since we last posted. It's been hectic! At the beginning of the month we went to Morgan Park Raceway for Sam's Dad to race his motorbike. We camped out for the whole weekend. It was lots of fun but oh so super cold! 
-2 degrees. Brrrrrrr

After we warmed up a bit with some jogging around the paddock Sam decided he should test Dad's motorobike. Too much fun!
Yes, Dad was still super cold even in his leathers!

Sam's godparents were also there racing their sidecar!

We even got a stadium selfie :)

More testing out Dad's bike...

And exploring :)

It was a wonderful weekend and we can't wait to get back in September!

We've also had a couple of birthdays this week and sickness has run rampant through the house. And Sam had to get some stitches out of his big toe this morning (wart removal), of course that didn't go as well as I'd hoped - I think the whole neighbourhood heard :/ but it's over now and he's sitting with a Bubble-O-Bill happy as Larry. I'm hoping the rest of the day isn't a bust but it probably will be. At least he might do some Reading Eggs or Mathseeds :) Don't forget to keep up to date on our Facebook page!

Thanks for reading,

Monday, July 28, 2014

What a week!

Hi there! We are very happy. Today we got our provisional registration for homeschool! It said we should have the full registration by the end of October. Hooray!

My second week was great fun. We made a jetpack with an old backpack, 2 bottles and some streamers and Daddy helped me fly through the house. Super awesome, my Dad ROCKS.

On Monday we tried a new recipe again and mmmmmmmmm yummo! Apple pie from scratch, including the pastry! Mum let me mix and roll it out. It was very messy but lots of fun.

mmmmmm so tasty with cream, custard and icecream!

On Tuesday Mum started giving me recorder lessons. She thinks the neighbours hate us now hahaha

We also played dressups on Tuesday. Mum was Little Red Riding Hood and I was the Big Bad Wolf!

Tuesday was a big day, we even made a bunch of finger puppets!

And then we snuggled together with our favourite toys and had a movie night. We watched Tangled, because it's Mum's favourite.

Wednesday wasn't the best day. I slept in and was cranky all day. I got some work done but didn't want any photos.

Thursday was better though! We did some math and spelling and then went to Crows Nest to the quilting shop and the second hand shop. We bought some fabric so Mum can teach me how to sew. And we found a flower press for 50 cents at the second hand shop. I don't know why we need it yet but Mum was very excited. I played at the park for a while before we went to Toowoomba for a swim. After that Dad took me to jujitsu while Mum went to work. It was a really late night, I like Thursdays.

On Friday we made some birthday cards to send to a little boy in America who is very sick :( I hope he has an awesome birthday!

On the weekend Mum showed me how to make an Origami swan!! And we made a stuffed toy too. We don't really know what he is but he's soft and cuddly so I called him Fuzzy.

I hope you've liked reading about some of what I did this week! 
See you next week, 

Friday, July 18, 2014

First Week

Hi everybody!
This is the end of our first week of homeschool. We've had lots of fun doing maths, art, English and spelling. I've also been learning about our Solar System!

Monday is 'try a new recipe' night so we made a beef and vegetable pie from scratch. It was YUM!

 We also went to the park so I could ride my scooter.

My cat Dumpling is always jumping up on the table to keep me company.

Yesterday we went op shopping and found lots of bargains. I took my wallet so I could pay for these awesome goodies myself... Flippers, viking helmet and a Green Lantern mask!

Mum got a bunch of educational books for me as well as lots of crafty stuff for us to create with.

Today I made aliens and planets out of clay. I also made some robot magnets but I have to wait for the plaster to dry. Mum said we can paint them on Monday.

I am looking foward to next week so I can make a pretend jet pack like this one that Mum found on Pinterest!

Thank you for reading, see you next week!
Master of Mayhem

Monday, July 7, 2014

So Here We Are...

Hi all, Mum here :)

So here we are... a week before we officially start our first day of Homeschool. Eek, talk about nervous! I know I'm doing the right thing for Sam by offering him a safe and happy learning environment, but far out it's still scary knowing that he's relying on me to learn everything he needs to know!

We talked about what kind of things Sam wanted to post on here and he wants to share it all... the good, the bad and the ugly. So prepare yourselves for a 'shipload' of laughs (hopefully WITH us, and not AT us hahaha), and most likely quite a few 'uh ohs', cries and freak outs, along with a bunch of our activities, crafts and awesome lightbulb moments. We're sure going to have a ball and would love you to come along for the ride!

Sam has been a huge part of the lesson planning and has suggested we do Unit Studies as a way for him to learn each subject. Upon looking into this, I found it to be a great idea! Pinterest has been an incredible source of ideas for us along with many different homeschooling blogs and websites. Feel free to check out our personal Pinterest, we have lots of fun Homeschool ideas as well as a whole bunch of crafty and random stuff on there. It's added to by both Sam and myself so there's a vast range in different goodies to be found. We have also made our own Facebook page and we'd love it if you 'liked' us over there too :)

We've written up the curriculum and lesson plans, as well as weekly and daily calendars. And I'm about to send the registration papers off tomorrow. Dad was able to take a week off work so we can spend some quality time together while we prepare to knuckle down and get our learn on! I don't know who is more excited about beginning this new chapter in our lives :)

We look forward to keeping you posted about our adventures and we'd love to hear about yours, so feel free to post a link to your own blog/facebook page in the comments!

Thanks for reading,
<3 Mum :)